I just finished hearing a sermon on the Greatness of God. It came from Isaiah 40:12-31 and to be honest it rocked me—hard. Ha-ha, it’s amazing to think that The Lord Our God is as BIG as He is. So many times in my life things get in the way of my view of God. Rather, I put so many things in my way that I can’t see my compass. I forget, at times, why I breathe. Why I am here. I get so caught up in learning and “growing” and doing that I don’t stop and do what verse 26 in the text says to do: “Lift up your eyes on high and see.”
How BIG is our God! Our God, God of the Universe, is the Creator of all things. The Liberator of our souls. He measures the waters in the hollow of His hand and marks off the heavens with a span (the distance from your thumb to your index finger). He needs no parliament, no congress, and no cabinet. He needs no consult or counsel. He sits high and looks down at the very people and things He made by His might. How BIG is our God! Think on this: that there are 15 million species on this earth. There are 50-100 trillion atoms comprising your body. The sun could hold 50 million earths. A star called, Betelgeuse, could hold 500 million suns. The number of stars in the universe? 70 trillion, that’s the number seventy with twenty zeros behind it. And the crazy part about all of this is that God created ALL of this. Is that crazy to anyone else?
As we continue to prepare for planting ourselves in a completely new city with an entirely new culture and people with new fears and worries and anxieties we can rest assure that our God is so much BIGGER than all of that. Sometimes I catch myself asking God, “Where are you?” And every time, in some way or another, He whispers right back, “right here”. Isaiah used these words to comfort the nation of Israel that God had not left them, but was right there in the mist of it all.
So, whether you are dealing with something that’s financial, medical, relational, or spiritual, stop and lift up your eyes. Trust in the Lord God that has so precisely hand-carved this universe that if the earth was one percent closer to Mars we would freeze to death. Know that we can rest on His word and know that He’s got it. Let’s put our complete confidence in Christ. Let’s not forget that we are daily seeking to share this BIG God with those who think He’s so small, but He’s not. He’s BIG. So BIG that the word BIG is actually pretty tiny.
Friday, May 9, 2008
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